USB batteries charge ahead
It’s not just plastic bags that are wasteful and bad for the environment. Apparently more than 15 billion batteries are made and thrown away each year – equivalent to a column of batteries to the moon and back.
Moixa Energy’s USBCELL Rechargeable Batteries, are aiming to reduce battery waste through being re-usable hundreds of times.
The batteries have an embedded USB port and charge circuitry, so can also be recharged anywhere there’s a USB port.
Moixa Energy CEO – Simon Daniel says: “It is simply nonsensical for the world to produce and throw away the equivalent of a column of batteries to the moon and back every year. Add to this the 10 billion mostly inefficient AC/DC converters which power modern home and portable devices, often thrown away in a year, and you have a totally unsustainable and poorly designed approach to modern life.
USBCELL has been commended as a finalist for the Design Week best product design of 2006.