4 in 10 Brits leave appliances on standby every day

shutA new survey in the UK shows that 40% of people admit to leaving a washing machine, dishwasher or electronic appliance on standby every day. And although nearly everyone (93%) says they know they can cut their bills by saving energy, 41% say they’ve not yet done anything about it.

The findings come from StopClimateChange.co.uk, who polled 1,002 Brits during August. It also highlights some interesting age-related points:

Of those who find the climate change debate confusing, young baby boomers aged 55 to 64 are least likely (30%) to let the confusion hold them back from taking direct personal action to save energy and reduce their carbon footprint; those aged 16-24 were most likely to let the confusion hold them back (50%).

Energy specialist and CombatClimateChange.co.uk co-founder Stewart Grew says: “Where individual consumers stand on climate change is largely irrelevant. That’s a matter of personal conscience, and we could spend years debating the finer points while millions of people sit on the fence.

“The fact is, by saving energy now, every individual can save money – and they just might save the planet at the same time. If all the concerns are real, they will have done their bit for the world. If it all turns out to be so much hot air, then they will have made their own world a better place anyway. Everyone wins.”