Clean tech in need of image overhaul


And you thought you had an image crisis – but a new report has found your bad hair days are nothing compared to the image problems that green technologies are facing (and may Greenbang say your hair looks just fine. Apart from that grey hair at the back.)

A survey by marketers EcoAlign found out these little nuggets:

1. Forty six percent (46%) of consumers interviewed have adopted some form of green technology. This percentage jumps significantly among the 55+ age group.
2. However, when asked to compare attributes of green technology, consumers who have not already adopted some form of green tech
tended toward the more negative value attribute for every comparison.
These consumers perceive green technology to be ugly, expensive,
and difficult to understand and maintain. The 46% who have adopted
green tech were significantly more positive.
3. When asked about their level of concern should their neighbors adopt
or install different forms of green technology, the overwhelming
majority of consumers are not concerned.
4. For those consumers who would be concerned if their neighbor
installed green technology, appearance and safety were the top
reasons, with 39% of consumers citing each of these.
5. Consumers age 55 and over are more likely to have adopted green
technology, less likely to be concerned if their neighbors install green
tech and more likely to view green tech in a positive manner.

Back to the drawing board for the people responsible for selling green tech to the masses. Recommendations from the report: get more emotional with green marketing. Let’s hug it out.