Clinton to speak at carbon seminar
The former US president and man who did not inhale, Bill Clinton, is to head a team of speakers at the 5th Global Forum of the Carbon Disclosure Project.
Mr Clinton is joined on September 24th by Wal-Mart’s chief merhandising officer John Fleming and Merrill Lynch’s vice chairman Harold Ford.
The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a collaboration of institutional investors: 315 entities managing over US $41 trillion in assets.
In New York City Sept. 24, the CDP will launch 1,300 corporate responses to a detailed questionnaire on climate change strategy and two key summary reports for 2007.
According to the people at the CDP, this report is quite a big deal. They say:
“The FT500 report has responses from the world’s 500 largest corporations regarding potential impacts of climate change on shareholder value; and The S&P500 report: responses from America’s largest 500 companies.
The Climate Disclosure Leadership Index (CDLI), featured in the FT500 report, profiles corporations with best disclosure practice.”