Cowboys and ecofuels


So a few weeks ago I was in Montana, US. I met some cowboys, who were branding cattle on their ranch. Afterwards we sat down to eat some steak and after talking cows for about an hour, moved onto the topic of biofuels.

“There’s no greater threat to the American economy than some of the alternative fuels being developed,” one of them said. “It will be so disruptive to everything because one of the most reliable sources of money in the country will be seen as bad.”

He was, of course, talking about oil.

Montana is investing heavily in alternative energies. Its terrain (windy and mountainous) and soil is ideal for some of the wind and biofuel projects. But I suppose there will always be opposition to change.

The cowboys were not happy about the amount of land they could face to lose if suddenly their ranches are seen as ideal spots for growing diesel. It would change their way of life, they said.