Do you like chic green? Then looky here...
Well we couldn’t find a picture of a model in green. Anyway, red is chic isn’t it? Greenbang has no flippin’ idea because he’s a bloke – at least tonight while there’s no one else writing here he is.
Apparently though being able to show how green you are is the ‘in’ thing in some social circles. Who knows! Frankly Greenbang likes business more than fashion, but enough grumbling.
There’s a ‘chic and stylish e-zine’ about to kick off somewhere on the web. So if you’re into green girly fashion and have some products to contribute, get in touch with Rachel Frances at
Rachel says:
“[The] team is looking for all things chic and stylish that have a strong green, ethical or sustainable element to them. It is key that there is a trong green angle to the product or service not just something that is agged on alongside it to keep up with all the green talk currently in the media.
At present we are just concentrating on products and services relevant to women so please no men’s stuff. We are after ideas for the following categories: Travel; beauty; fashion; and lifestyle.”