Free green business seminar seats available

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Greenbang is going along to the Green Card Seminar to listen to British Airways and BT talk about some of the problems they are trying to solve.

The seminar in Reading will look at how transport, local authorities, businesses and suppliers are applying sustainable guidelines to the challenges they face in order to generate continued success and a stable future.

Entitled “Sustainability is good for business” we will be exploring how transport, local authorities, businesses, educational establishments, and suppliers are applying sustainable guidelines to the challenges they face in order to generate continued success and a stable future.

Speakers include:

·         Gary Meades, British Airways Global Environmental Affairs Manager, will look at the combination of functionality and aesthetics that have been applied to Heathrow’s new fifth terminal.

·         The Centre for Alternative Technology ‘s Sara Turnbull will speak about her involvement in the creation of a state of the art environmental education centre.

·         Mark Dowling from the British Telecom Environment Unit will be asking if we are all complying with the Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) regulations and what the future holds for WEEE.

·         Simone Mann and Jeremy Melhuish of the Commercial Group will offer an insight into becoming a Carbon Neutral company.

The seminar has been organised in association with Connect Reading and we are delighted that they have chosen this year’s Green Card Seminar to launch Reading’s new Go4Green project . Speakers from Reading include the Chief Executive of the Business Community Partnership (Connect Reading), the Policy and Sustainability Manager from the Borough Council and the University’s Director of Research.