1 min read

Hawaii ready to become green hub


Hawaii has revealed its intention to move away from the setting of a popular 70s cop show and a surfers’ paradise to the setting for a clean energy rollout and green tech paradise.

According to local paper Maui News, Governor Linda Lingle and US Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner have put pen to paper and signed up a memorandum of understanding over the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative.

The partnership envisions 70 percent clean energy by 2030.[…]

The partnership will provide technical assistance and technology program support for a variety of projects that draw on the Energy Department’s research and development programs.

Among the aims of the initiative will be getting 100 percent renewable energy on some of Hawaii’s islands, stabilising the electricity grid to cope with the ebb and flow of renewable energy and looking into growing biofuels.

Greenbang thinks this is an interesting project and would like someone to sponsor a fact finding trip so she can examine the project in action. Ideally from a beach with a cocktail in her hand.