IT heads deaf to energy problems

870344_coal_power_station_aerial_view.jpgAn Economist Intelligence Unit report shows IT heads are ignoring energy efficiency problems.

Maybe it’s because Halo 3 has just come out.

The key points to note are:

·         Over a third of IT executives (42 per cent) say their firm does not monitor its IT-related energy spending and a further 9percent don’t know if their firm monitors this.  64 per cent agree that an industry standard on energy efficiency on IT equipment would cause them to change their procurement policies

·         Although there is high visibility of environmental issues in organisations, few have anything approaching a cohesive strategy for dealing with it from an IT perspective

·         Although two-thirds of executives polled say that their organisation has a board-level executive responsible for energy and the environment, only 45 per cent of firms have a programme in place to reduce their carbon footprint.

The report was sponsored by IBM.