1 min read

Olympics and complexity hold back green datacentres


Every time Greenbang watches Pop Idol and views the sorry stream of losers parading in front of the bitter-tongued judges, convinced they’re going to be the next Elvis when they sound more like a frog being harshly compressed by a 4 by 4. How can the distance between ability and belief be so far apart, Greenbang wonders?

Maybe one to ask datacentre managers. Apparently three quarters of them want to have green datacentres but only one in seven have actually got something underway.

From IDM:

“While energy efficiency is a priority, it does not trump business needs and has added yet another layer of complexity when it comes to managing datacentres.”

But it could all be academic soon anyway: according to VNU, come 2012, there won’t be enough power to go around for all those lovely green datacentres.

“Power constraints caused by the development of London Cross Rail and the Olympic site, and a lack of new data centre construction in central London, are creating significant data burdens for medium-sized UK companies.”

And you just thought the Olympics were only good for driving up property prices.