Roof window firm goes solar to reduce bills

sunRoof window manufacturer, Velux is about to go on a promotional spree evangelising its new venture into the solar energy market.

The company is actually the largest roof window manufacturer in the UK, so it is nice to see them getting involved in this sort of thing. And making some money, obviously.

Apparently a swanky PR agency (Wrigglesworth) will be letting all and sundry know about it too.

The Velux Solar Hot Water System takes advantage of the sun’s beaming, happy energy and can provide around 70 per cent of a home’s hot water requirements. Which is very nice.

‘While this has a dramatic impact on fuel bills it is also beneficial for the environment,’ said Velux. And it’s hard to argue with that.

‘It is a complete system that is easily integrated into good house design, conforming with the latest Government renewable energy initiatives,’ the company added.