biofuel Japan Airlines readies second-gen biofuels test flight What do Air New Zealand, KLM, Continental and Virgin got in common? If you said they’re all airlines, you’d be right. If you said they’re all international airlines, you’d be right too. If you said they all have vowels in their name, you’d be wrong
biofuels Air New Zealand tests biofuels with eye on algae It seems Greenbang is not the only one oddly obsessed with the potential of algae. After yesterday’s revelation that KLM is hoping to fly its planes on the pond muck in the future, now Air New Zealand is next on the list to eye up algae. Air NZ deputy
boeing How's Boeing going on the enviro-credentials? In a recent visit to the Aussie town of Exmouth, Greenbang was told this story about the town – home to massive naval radio communications towers – by a local, whose fellow townsperson had got talking to a Russian fellow on a visit to London. The Russian had enquired where our Aussie
klm KLM to fly on algae fuel Algae is fast becoming Greenbang’s environmental hero. It can be used in carbon sequestration, biofuels – it won’t be long til it’s cropping up as luncheon meat, Greenbang reckons. Given the potential of algae, Greenbang reckons that the term ‘pond scum’ should no longer be deemed an insult
china Olympic torch makes more carbon than 624 people Greenbang has mentioned her titanic hatred of the Olympic (can we have the good TV back now please?) Games on more than one occasion so she’ll be quiet about it from now on in. She’ll just rock back and forth silently with barely suppressed rage instead. Still, if
DARPA Solar-powered spy plane will fly for five years Why is it that spies always get the cool stuff? Take James Bond. Greenbang would kill for a watch that shoots lasers, an underwater car or an exploding pen. Not to protect Queen and country though, more to show off to her mates on Friday night out. Now, the real
new zealand Fuel efficiency sees airlines trash cutlery, mags, glasses Greenbang once had the pleasure of flying business class. On arrival she was asked by a smiling stewardess: “champagne or orange juice?” Greenbang assumed this was a trick question, posed by the powers that be to assess her suitability to be flying among the great and the overly monied. She
boeing Boeing fuel cell plane takes to the skies Greenbang has a low fun threshold. She almost choked on her beans and toast this morning due to a state of dangerous excitement caused by the discovery that Boeing has flown a hydrogen fuel cell powered plane. According to the venerable Boeing, it’s the first time “in aviation history”
amsterdam Virgin biofuel plane completes London to Amsterdam flight Remember how Virgin Atlantic said was going to fly a biofuel plane in February? Well, it’s February and guess what? The flight has flown. The biofuel-powered 747 flew from London to Amsterdam, using fuel made from a mix of babassu oil and coconut oil and no amendments to its