The top 10 most energy efficient...

Washing machine…fridges, cars, tumble driers, and so on– has them all. This great little site helps people figure out which consumer products are the most energy efficient ones around. For example, you can find out that the Honda Civic IMA gets a top eco rating, sipping just 4.6 litres of petrol for every 100km.

However, there’s still room for improvement. The site only covers 12 countries in Europe so far, excluding the UK and Ireland, Spain, the Nordic countries and so on. And being slightly obsessive about top ten lists, the limited array of products left us wanting more: PCs and laptops, TVs and so on. Still, kudos for the good work so far.

UPDATE For the UK, has a wealth of information on the energy ratings of all kinds of products, including TVs, computers, DVD players and a host of other things–it’s a great site. Many thanks to Toby at better generation for the link.