Yellowstone opens $50m renewable fund


Yellowstone Captial Partners has revealed it’s going to open a $50 million renewable energies investment fund. Greenbang wonders if the Ranger’s not gonna like it.

And it gets better: the fund will go under the name of Yellowstone Energy Ventures II, which sounds like a great action sequel, perhaps featuring Bruce Willis and some awesome stunts.

It’s not, sadly, it’s the sequel to Yellowstone Energy Ventures I – YEV 1 to the uninitiated – the first fund set up in 2004.

The funds have made and will continue to make a variety of investments in solar, energy storage, wind, clean coal, nuclear, and alternative fuel technologies. YEV I’s investments include several notable Cleantech early stage companies including, SolFocus, Heliovolt, Protonex, and Cellex Power […]

“The global dynamics that motivated Yellowstone to create YEV I back in 2004 not only remain in place today, but are even stronger than they were at that time…” said Omar A. Sawaf, Chairman of Yellowstone. “Strong global demand and economic growth in virtually every region of the world – combined with high capacity utilization and depleting supplies for fossil fuels, the global drive to use cleaner fuels to fight global warming, and energy security concerns – have combined to close the economic gap between fossil fuels and renewables. In addition, technology improvement in the alternative and renewable space continues to escalate at a rapid pace and increases in government regulation and incentives not only abroad, but now being seen in the U.S., are accelerating the adoption of these new energy technologies. We believe all of these factors make the alternative and renewable energy technology segment of the Cleantech industry an attractive and unique opportunity for long term investors. We also believe that Yellowstone’s early entry into the segment and the relationships we have developed over the past four years are creating significant deal flow that can benefit investors in both YEV I and YEV II.”