Your answers: From City of London Corporation

A couple of weeks ago, we asked you lot for your questions to put to Simon Mills – the sustainable development coordinator for the City of London Corporation.

Here you go then – a blog per answer…

Adam Says: November 2nd, 2007 at 5:23 pm
Why is the City so bad for cycle parking? – it’s a close-run competition with Westminster on who offers the fewest proper parking stations.

Dear Adam, the City has recognised that the increase in cycling over the last few years has meant that demand cycle parking has risen. We are seeking to address this in two ways-

Firstly through the planning process, where we strongly encourage developers to include substantial amounts of off-street cycle parking in new developments

Secondly, over the last two years we have increased the number of on-street cycle parking spaces in the City 300, and we are also working with adjacent Boroughs and Transport for London to identify other ways in which this need can be met.

In fairness, for many years, Cycling was not considered a priority in the City. Many factors contributed to this view. Hostile traffic conditions, fear of traffic accidents and pollution, unsuitable road design and lack of secure parking facilities were some of the more common complaints. However since the adoption of the City’s Cycling Plan a comprehensive planning approach has been adopted that puts cycling at the heart of the City’s transport infrastructure. This is supplemented by the promotion of cycling through provision of subsidised training, free bike checks and public events such as the City Cycling Forum. Things are still not perfect, but they are rapidly improving. For further information see the following website;

You can also contact our dedicated cycling officer Jereme McKaskill on Tel: 020 7332 3580 if you would like to discuss our plans further.